Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Makendy Ostinè

Joined Program October 2015

Caretaker: Mom, Anèz Pierre Ostinè 
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 15, 2015
Beginning weight: 4.34 kg
Weight as of January 2016: 6.82 kg

Information:  Makendy's mama seemed to not have a great handle on raising a baby, and didn't have enough milk to nurse him, so he was slowly starving to death when she brought him to clinic for help.  At 10 months he weighed less than many newborns, and was skin stretched over tiny bones with a pathetic mewing cry.  But mama wanted her son, and was very willing to listen and learn.  With a steady supply of milk, Makendy has slowly turned around, and is steadily gaining and growing.  Only time will tell whether there is permanent development damage from his months of malnutrition.

If you feel led to sponsor a child as an individual or even as a church, feel free to contact us:
Darwin Hostetler- Phone:1-608-647-4299
Mailing Address:
Gospel To Haiti PO Box 3. Richland Center WI 53581

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